Saturday, November 14, 2009

Good Week, Getting Moving!

So, I think my new strategy is helping - I got out to the YMCA twice this week. My goal is 10 moves a week and this last week I got up to 8, which is an improvement.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Good Week So Far...

Definitely doing better this week than last. Actually made it to the gym this morning which felt really good. I think I need to set some goals. Goals are more powerful than aspirations. Plans much more effective than dreams...

My Goal is to fit into size 16 jeans again and feel healthy and active and able to keep up with my energetic girls and hubby.

My Plan is to do at least 10 moves a week and work my way up from there.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Trying again... and again...

Well, got discouraged again due to lack of success in the weight loss dept. I've decided to focus more on the moves so I have more control over the achievements I'm tracking. I made a new chart and I'm going to track how many "moves" I make each week. Here are the things I'm going to consider as moves:

Walk to or from School
Half hour of yoga
Half hour on machines at YMCA
Circuit training at YMCA
Swimming at YMCA
20 minutes of kickboxing
Riding bike
Vacuum upstairs and downstairs
One hour of laundry, loading, folding etc.
Scrub all three bathrooms
Scrub kitchen floor

Maybe this will motivate me to do a little more housework each week too :)